Next generation serial terminal
Modern design, modern user interface, with large set of features.
User interface starts simple, and get more advanced only when you needed to be.
Alternate color lines and multi color support, hard to miss important information.
Add a box around text to highlight firmeware version, brand name...etc.
Debug, info, warning, and error trace leverls with different colors. No difficult escape codes to remember.
You can monitor real time data and see last changed value highlighted, you will not miss any important event.
Connect to the shell part of your firmware or just issue commands. History is kept so you can save time typing.
Define keyboard shortcuts for you commands so you can quickly stop these motors or reset your MCU.
For maximum flexibility you can use Javascript to implement your own commands.
User defined baudrates in addition to the standard ones so you can communicate to this IoT device weirdo!
Create multiple connection settings and select the one to open any time later. Edit with ease when things change.
Can perform debugging, nonitoring, control, shell interactions inside Termethos without the need to use multiple applications.